Conversation Partners are a prestigious group of faculty who are interested in talking with you about any questions you have regarding decisions on academic majors, research and engagement opportunities, and internship pursuits. With representation from across all five undergraduate academic colleges, these faculty are a wealth of knowledge and support in your transition to the academic experience at Tulane.
All Conversation Partners are listed below, including a link to their contact information. Never hesitate to reach out to engage them in conversation around how to make the most of your academics.

Professor of Practice, Cell & Molecular Biology, School of Science & Engineering

Professor of Practice, Physics, School of Science & Engineering

Associate Professor, Public Health, School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine

Associate Dean for Strategic Innovation and Senior Professor of Practice, Mathematics, School of Science & Engineering

Professor of Practice, Architecture, School of Architecture

Senior Professor of Practice, Spanish & Portuguese, School of Liberal Arts

Professor of Practice, Teacher Preparation & Cert., School of Professional Advancement

Professor of Practice, Business & Legal Studies, A.B. Freeman School of Business

Senior Professor of Practice, Spanish & Portuguese, School of Liberal Arts

Professor of Practice, Computer Science, School of Science & Engineering

Assistant Professor, Theatre & Dance, School of Liberal Arts

Senior Professor of Practice, French & Italian, School of Liberal Arts

Senior Professor of Practice, Business & Legal Studies, A.B. Freeman School of Business

Professor of Practice, Political Science, School of Liberal Arts

Associate Professor, Chemical & Biomolec. Engineering, School of Science & Engin.

Professor of Practice, Biomedical Engineering, School of Science & Engin.

Senior Professor of Practice, Chemical & Bio. Engineering, School of Science & Engin.

Professor, Architecture, School of Architecture

Professor of Practice, Accounting, A.B. Freeman School of Business

Professor of Practice, Accounting, A.B. Freeman School of Business