New Student Modules
Orientation Begins Now!
Throughout the summer, the New Student Modules will introduce you to the offices and people you will grow to rely on, teach you about the campus and city you will soon (or already) call home, and prepare you to be an engaged member of our community. With a new theme each month, these mandatory modules will ease your transition to Tulane. Consider these your first homework assignments as a Tulane student!
On the first of each month leading up to your arrival, a new module will open on your Canvas dashboard. You will then have the entire month to progress through the module at your own pace. By completing these modules, you will feel more prepared, confident, and connected as you begin your academic journey at Tulane!
New Student Module Themes
In the theme of exploration, this module begins with an introduction to your academic home, Newcomb-Tulane College, and the Core Curriculum. From the First-Year Seminar to Service Learning, you will explore just a few of the Core Curriculum components designed to foster a spirit of intellectual curiosity and creativity. The module will continue with an introduction to various campus resources here to support your academic success, including College Advising, the Academic Learning & Tutoring Center, the Goldman Center for Student Accessibility, and Academic Integrity.
Module 1 will open on May 1.
From campus involvement to community engagement, there are countless ways to chart a unique undergraduate experience. In the June module, titled Make Way for Connections, we’ll highlight the many pathways to finding your place, people, and purpose both at Tulane and in New Orleans. Plus, we’ll define Tulane’s core values and explore how you can actively engage with each throughout your academic journey.
Module 2 will open on June 1.
At Tulane, living in community means more than just co-existing; it’s an invitation to actively engage with each other and nurture a culture of learning and growth. In the July module, titled Make Way for Community, you'll be introduced to Housing & Residence Life and discover how living and learning blend seamlessly to enrich your undergraduate experience. Plus, you'll connect with various resources here to support you in a holistic approach to wellbeing, including Campus Health and Wave of Support.
Module 3 will open on July 1.
Over the last several months, you’ve explored life at Tulane, both inside and outside of the classroom, got a taste of New Orleans culture, and even heard from key resources dedicated to your success. And now, the highly anticipated moment is almost here! Your arrival to campus is just around the corner, and the entire Tulane community is buzzing with excitement. In this module, we will explore the adventures, opportunities, and resources awaiting you in your first year at Tulane, beginning with Hullabaloo Hello!
Module 4 will open on August 1.
Please reference the Transfer Student webpage for specific information regarding your online learning modules!
What is Canvas?
The New Student Modules will be housed on Canvas, Tulane’s learning management system and the online center of your academic work. Canvas is your go-to resource for viewing your courses, current grades, syllabi, and instructor contact information. The modules will provide an introduction to Canvas so you are prepared to conquer the first day of classes!
You can log into Canvas using your Tulane email address and password, otherwise known as your Single Sign-On. To learn more about Canvas, visit the link below!