Modules & Messages

Orientation starts now!

We consider your orientation a year-long experience that begins before you arrive to campus. As you prepare to join the Tulane University community, we have planned a series of intentional steps to ensure a smooth transition to campus. The New Student Modules will introduce you to the offices and people you will grow to rely on, teach you about the campus and city you will soon (or already!) call home, and prepare you to be an engaged member of our community. With a new theme each month, these mandatory modules will ease your transition to Tulane. Consider these your first homework assignments as a Tulane student!

On the first of each month leading up to your arrival, a new module will open on your Canvas dashboard. You will then have the entire month to progress through the module at your own pace. By completing these modules, you will feel more prepared, confident, and connected as you begin your academic journey at Tulane! 

These modules will be available to you all year so you can refer back to the information that is here to help you. Additional action items can be found on the New Student Checklist. If you’re ever lost and don’t know where to start, reach out to the First-Year Experience team. We’re here to help navigate you through this experience and connect you with campus partners.

Wherever you’re joining us from, we are so excited to welcome you to campus very soon and can’t wait to watch as your story unfolds. Roll Wave!

Navigator Newsletter

The Navigator is the official e-newsletter for first-year students at Tulane. You will receive a new edition of the Navigator often, beginning this summer and continuing throughout your entire first year. The Navigator is designed to support your transition to Tulane by connecting you with campus resources, informing you of upcoming events and opportunities, and offering advice for a successful first-year experience! Explore our Navigator archive below: